Things You'll Need
Using two cards, form an upside-down V so that the cards balance together and can stand alone. Add another V and place a card on top of the two V's to form a roof. Add a third V and place a card on top to connect it to the previous roof-card. Repeat this until five V's are standing next to each other. It will look something like this: _________
/\ /\ /\ /\ /\
Repeat a second chain of V's slightly in front and at the center of the first line, but use only four V's. Place cards on top of the roof-cards between the two chains to connect them. Repeat this two more times with three V's forming the third chain of cards and two V's for the fourth chain. Connect the roof-cards.
Place four cards upside down on the second level of the pyramid in between the first and second lines on the first level. Place V's on top of each of these cards and connect them as you go. Repeat this two more times with a line of three V's and then a line of two. Connect the roof-cards.
Repeat this for the third story using a line of three and a line of two; connect them. Place one pair of connected V's on the fourth level.
Starting from the bottom level, place a single V after each line of two V's and connect it to the roof of the pair of V's with a card, continuing until the fourth level. Place a card in the middle on top of the fifth level to form the apex of the pyramid.