Getting Ready
When getting ready for your camping trip, make the experience it fun before you even walk out the door. Play games to see who can get packed the fastest or who can collect the most needed supplies, like sunscreen and bug spray. Use an allotted amount of time. During the car ride don't forget classic road trip games like finding letters or numbers on license plates.
Outdoor Camping Games
One of the top camping activities is hiking. On a hike there are plenty of opportunities for games, such as a scavenger hunt. List and find things like specific plants, rocks or animals.
Cloud watching also is relaxing when the weather is right. Recline in the grass or use a towel or blanket on the ground. Find shapes, animals or even a family member.
Toys and Sports
Bring toys like race cars or airplanes. Make up your own games such as competing to see how far you can make the plane fly or car roll. Balls and Frisbees are family time classics. Use them for games from casual catch to a semi-organized sports match. If you're camping by a lake have swimming competitions or endurance games like treading water.
Rainy Day Camping Games
Families can have a great time making up stories. Ghost stories are often the most favored, though a good mystery is always fun. Create a chain story in which one person starts a tale and the storytelling proceeds to the next person. Continue until everyone adds to the story. Let the last person end it and begin a new one.