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Customer Service Games & Activities

One way of improving customer service is by having employees play training games and take part in educational activities. These have been proven to help employees learn new skills. Concentration is a must, especially at the start of the learning phase, and must be maintained over the whole training period.
  1. Avoid Saying No

    • The goal of this game is to rephrase words, comments or phrases that may evoke a negative mental picture. Start by dividing the group into smaller teams. Ask them to list, within a time limit, as many possible scenarios where the use of the word "no" is needed, then have them write responses without using the word "no." After the time runs out, have the teams present their lists, and remove any phrases, words or sentences that can still leave a bad impression. The team with the highest number of positive responses wins a prize. To make it more meaningful, post the list of the winning team to remind employees to apply what they learned.

    Going the Extra Mile Board

    • Use a corner or a side of a blackboard for this activity. Every time a person responded to a customer's concern and was able to help the customer beyond that, write down what he did on a card. Use a portion of the blackboard to post the card. This will help the mindset of other representatives, and will serve as a reminder for others to improve their customer service skills.

    Active Listening

    • This activity will require a play script and two volunteers. One volunteer reads a part of a character in the script, while the other listens carefully. After reading, the second volunteer paraphrases the concern and responds appropriately, providing answers to the inquiries or concerns. This game not only helps improve active listening skills, but also helps develop spontaneous communication abilities.

    What Do You Do?

    • Start off by randomly calling out any person from the group. Ask him to describe his job accurately, without referring to its function or title. After that, have the volunteer call out another person, and have that person take a guess at what the first volunteer's job is. If he is correct, award both of them prizes.

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