Things You'll Need
Connect a pair of elbow couplings to each 20 inch pipe, with the open ends of the two elbows on each pipe facing in the same direction.
Insert 10 inch pipes into both elbows attached to two of the 20 inch pipes, using four 10 inch pipes in total. These are the top rungs of the ladder.
Attach 18 inch pipes into both elbows attached to the remaining four 20 inch pipes, using eight 18 inch pipes in total. These are the four sections that will be combined to make two bases.
Connect two base pieces together to form a full base. Attach a T-coupling to both 18 inch pipes on one base section, connecting the pipes to one of the two top of the T openings, then attach the pipes of the second base piece to the other top openings on the T-couplings. This creates a rectangular base, 36 inches long and 20 inches wide. Repeat for the remaining two base pieces to build the base of your second ladder.
Insert a 10 inch pipe into all four bottom openings of the T-couplings on the two base pieces.
Attach the remaining eight T-couplings to both sides of the remaining four 20 inch pipes, connecting the pipes to the bottom of the T openings on the couplings. These are the middle and bottom scoring rungs for both ladders.
Install the bottom rung of each ladder by sliding the top openings of the T-couplings attached to the rungs over the top of the 10 inch pipes attached to the bases. Each ladder now contains one scoring rung, 10 inches off the ground.
Insert a 10 inch pipe into the remaining opening on each T-coupling of the rungs you just installed.
Install the next rungs on the ladders by securing the T-couplings to the pipes. Your ladders each have two rungs now, 10 inches and 20 inches from the ground.
Insert the 10 inch pipes extending from the top rungs into the open ends of the T-couplings for the middle rung of each ladder.