Have Not
Tell the 16-year-olds to sit in a circle and give each teen 10 jellybeans, but tell the participants not to eat them. Select one player to stand up and say something he has never done, such as "I have never eaten sushi," "I have never had a brother" or "I have never traveled out of the United States." Each player who has done that activity must give that player a jellybean. The next player in the circle follows, and each player who has done what she has not has to give her one jellybean. After each teen has a turn, the player with the most jellybeans wins the game.
Name the Teen
Give each teen an index card and have her write down four things about herself that no one knows. Collect all the cards and give each teen sheet of paper. Without disclosing the name, you will call out all four items on each card and the teens will have to guess which teen wrote it down. Tell them to write down the names on the sheet of paper. The teen who guesses the most correctly wins the game.
Hum That Tune
Write down common song names such as "Happy Birthday," "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "Mary Had a Little Lamb" on index cards. Be sure to make two cards for each song. Have the teens draw a song name. They must walk around the room humming the tune of their song until they find their match. The first two players to find their match win the game. Let the other players finish the game by finding their song match.
Common Groups
Divide the teens into even groups and give them a sheet of paper. The teens have 30 minutes to find common things about everyone in their group. Tell the teens to come up with things other than hair color and gender. For example, a group could say, "We all have one brother and one sister" or "Everyone in our group attends the same high school." The team that comes up with the most common traits wins the game.