Things You'll Need
Decide upon a theme for the scavenger hunt. Think about where the event is being held, what resources are available and what season or holiday may be incorporated.
Determine whether the participants will need to solve clues to find the items, or just receive a list to collect. Survey the area and create a list of objects, buildings and people you will need the players to locate.
Devise creative clues to guide participants toward the objects on your list. Use different languages, scrambled words, quotes, riddles, rhymes and pictures.
Type up the clues and print them out. You may choose to list them all together, or cut them into individual strips that will be picked up when each object is found to lead the team to the next object.
Set a time limit and make sure at least one participant in each group has a wristwatch and that at least one participant in each group has a cell phone. Provide prizes to the winners.