Things You'll Need
Install the batteries by using a screwdriver to loosen the screw on the battery compartment door and removing the door. Put 2 AAA batteries into the battery compartment following the polarity instructions inside the compartment. Put the battery compartment door back and use the screwdriver to tighten the screw, but do not over tighten it.
Play a new game by pressing the "On" button, and pressing and holding the "New Game" button until the current game ends and a new one begins. The device asks you if you want to play 20Q Music. Press "Yes." Answer the first four questions by answering each question with a "No" or "Yes" as the device advances to the next question, or by pressing the Right or Left scroll buttons to select the correct answer and pressing "Yes." Press the "No," "Yes," "Rarely," "Sometimes" or "Unknown" button to answer the remaining questions honestly and the device tries to guess what you are thinking. If the device answers correctly, you lose and if the device answers incorrectly, you win.
Reset the game if it begins to malfunction. Push the "Reset" button with a blunt-pointed device and the game will reset to its original settings.