Deal each player seven cards.
Create a "Draw" pile by placing all remaining cards into a stack. Be sure these cards are face-down so that players are unable to see the cards. The first player will need to flip over the top card and lay it face up beside the "Draw" pile. This card will be the beginning of the "Discard" pile.
Start the game with the person to the dealer's left. He must match the card from the "Discard" pile. This can be done by using a card with the same number, color or symbol. An example would be if the "Discard" pile's card is a yellow "7." The player will need to place either a yellow card or a card with a "7." If the player does not have a matching card, heis required to take the top card from the "Draw" pile.
Repeat Step 3 for all remaining players. The rotation of plays will go clockwise from the dealer. The winner is the first person to score 500 points. Multiple runs of the game may be needed to decide a winner.