Marble Rolling
Mark a starting line and a standing line about 10 feet apart. Have one boy stand on the starting line and all the other boys line up on the standing line. Tell the boys on the standing line to stand with their heels together and toes apart at a 90-degree angle. Give the player at the starting line a hand full of marbles. He has two minutes to try to roll the marble in between the feet of each boy on the standing line. For each marble that stops between their feet, he earns a point. After each player has a turn, the player with the most points wins the game. This game works best on a flat, hard surface.
Paintball Balloons
Tell the teen boys to bring an extra set of clothes and prepare to get messy while playing a game of paintball balloons. Fill several balloons with two different colors of water-soluble paint. Place each color in different baskets and divide the boys into two teams. When you say, "Go," the players must use their team balloons to try to tag the players on the other team. Each player who is hit with a paint balloon is out of the game. The last team with a player standing wins the game.
Obstacle Course
Create an obstacle course in your backyard or an open field for the boys. Use random items, such as old tires to run through, a small kiddie pool to wade through, cones to run around, log to jump over and chairs to climb (over or under). Place the objects all over the obstacle course and time each player. The player with the fastest time wins the game. You can also divide the players into teams and time each team.
1000 Points
Fill several water balloons and place them in a large bucket. Select one teen boy to be the thrower first. He will stand beside the water balloons, and the players must scatter out about 50 feet from the thrower. The thrower tosses a water balloon to the players and yells out a point value, such as 100 or 300. If a player catches the water balloon, he earns the points the thrower called out, but if the balloon bursts he must deduct the points from his score. If a player touches the balloon but fails to catch it, he also must deduct the points from his score. The first player to score 1000 points becomes the new thrower, and all scoring starts over.