Foliage in Nature
Foliage is found in different parts of the outdoors and covers much of the surrounding areas of a home, park or building. Scavenger hunts may be purely dedicated to different types of foliage found outdoors, such as the leaves on a tree or flowers in a garden. Placing foliage on a scavenger hunt list permits children to learn about the different types of plants that exist outdoors, and how each plant adapts to a specific habitat.
Solid Matter in Nature
Adding solid items, such as rocks and bark, to a scavenger hunt list is a great way to teach kids different characteristics of solid matter in nature. Children may observe firsthand how nature creates rocks and tree trunks with different textures, shapes and sizes. Solid matter added to a scavenger hunt list also gives children the opportunity to understand how a larger solid item, such as a boulder, has a larger mass than that of a river rock.
Living Creatures in Nature
Many living creatures occupy the earth along with humans, making it a diverse planet to live on. A nature scavenger hunt list of creatures that live outdoors allows kids to learn about other inhabitants, such as butterflies and birds. Kids can focus on the different habitats that each creature occupies, such as birds in a tree and ants on the ground, and how they are different from the home the child lives in.
Colors in Nature
Nature creates an array of colors across the sky and on the ground. Children can learn about the colors that paint flowers and animals through a nature scavenger hunt. Instructing children to search for something brown, such as soil, teaches kids the different colors that exist in nature. Colors that paint the sky, such as white clouds, may be added to the list to teach kids how weather is a factor contributing to atmospheric colors.