Online Games
A number of websites offer a range of baby-related games children can play. In many cases, you must simply visit the site and choose the game to play. To save a high score, some sites offer a registration feature. Baby games may involve dressing the baby, decorating a baby's room, feeding the baby, playing with the baby, serving in the role of nurse or babysitter or a number of other scenarios.
Role-Playing Games
Role-playing games with baby dolls are healthy forms of expression for young children. If your child has a special baby doll she enjoys, encourage her to play games that involve mimicking. An older child with a baby sibling can stand alongside her mother while she cares for the sibling. As the mom feeds the baby, the child can pretend to feed her baby. She can also do the same for diapering, rocking, burping and putting to bed. Young readers can also gain experience reading out loud by reading to their dolls.
Dress-Up Game
For a group of children that each has a baby doll, organize a dress-up game. Get out all the doll clothes, and invite each child to dress up her baby in her favorite outfit. Have a fashion show where each child gets to parade around with her baby doll. Once the fashion parade is over, have the children switch dolls and change the outfits. Repeat the process of dressing up the babies. An adult can serve as the judge for the fashion show game and award prizes for categories such as the funniest outfit, fanciest outfit and most comfortable outfit.
Racing Game
If you're having a party with lots of young children, a buggy race is a baby game they may enjoy. You'll need several baby dolls and a toy buggy for each one. Make a starting line on the driveway or lawn, and have the children take turns racing one another while pushing the baby buggy. If the group is large, make it a team event. Have one child race to one end and pass it off to someone at the end of the line. Continue the pattern until each team has a member who makes it across.