Broom Twist
The "Broom Twist" is a fun and simple game that only requires a broom. A teen holds the broom above his head by the handle. He then turns in a circle several times before trying to place the broom head on the ground while keeping it over his head and standing on both feet. To accomplish this, he needs to bend his waste sideways to create an arch with his body. He will likely fall over several times before completing the task successfully. This game requires plenty of outdoor space.
Team Charades
Team charades is an ideal game for a large group of teenagers. Players are split into teams with one team leaving the room when the other team thinks of an action. The action can be anything from taking a bath to climbing a tree. The younger the teenagers, the simpler the action should be. One player from the team that exited the room enters and a player from the team that stayed in the room mimes the action. Another member of the team that exited the room enters and his team member who is already in the room has to mime the action. This goes on until the last player from the exiting team enters and everyone is miming the action. The inside team them says what they are miming.
Egg Toss
The Egg Toss features plenty of eggs, so be prepared. Play this game outside to avoid a nightmarish mess inside. Use raw eggs if you don't mind the mess, but boil them if you do. Pairs are created and a player from each pair is put on one of two imaginary lines. The lines are one meter apart and the teammates are facing each other. Two lines are available for all pairs to stand on. Each pair receives one egg. The pairs toss the eggs to their partner who has to catch them. If they do, the pairs take a step back. The winning pair is the team that throws and catches the egg the farthest without breaking it.
Forbidden Letter
Forbidden Letter is a game for older teens. Participants decide on one letter that is forbidden. Choose a consonant because vowels make the game too difficult. After the forbidden letter is decided, players are only allowed to use that letter five times before they are kicked out. A questioner is then selected who asks individuals in the group whatever she wants, as long as it doesn't include the forbidden letter. The questioner also can't say the forbidden letter more than five times. The person who doesn't use the letter five times is the king of the alphabet.