Board Games
Geosafari offers a wide range of board games in varying subjects. All Geosafari games are targeted to teach facts and information on the game subject while entertaining the audience. There are board games such as Geosafari checkers that uses small dinosaurs instead of a standard checker piece and teaches the dinosaur food chain while game players participate in a game of checkers. There are also Geosafari board games on subjects such as the United States, rocks and minerals and dinosaurs that allow players to play across a map or through an archeological dig while learning fun facts and information as they progress.
Electronic Games
Geosafari games also come in a variety of electronic games that incorporate teaching facts and information while offering an entertaining game or learning tool. The Geosafari laptop and quiz telephone are two separate electronic games that work by reading data from educational cards, which come in numerous subjects and topics. The laptop and phone ask questions and offer trivia games and educational learning on the subject matter of the inserted card. The cards range in subject matter from history to science to geography.
Learning Aids
Geosafari makes several electronic learning aids that have a talking feature, such as the talking globe and the talking microscope. The talking Geosafari globe talks about the selected location and gives fun facts and educational information. The Geosafari talking microscope comes with a set of slides and talks about what is shown through the microscope on the slide. All of the varying Geosafari learning aids offer educational information in a fun and entertaining way.
Computer and Video Games
The Geosafari brand also offers a PC version of its educational games that children can play on a computer. The PC games come in a variety of subjects including geography, history and science. The PC games allow the player to navigate through historical settings to learn about historical events while playing. The science and geography games allow the player to play through a road trip or scientific setting and learn interesting facts and educational information while playing a game.