Determine how many tables you are going to have at your Bunco party. Each table seats four players, so that will aid you in determining how many people to invite.
Prepare invitations for your Bunco party. In the invitation, include information about how long the party will last, the location and a copy of the rules of Bunco.
Choose food to serve during your Bunco party. Items that can be eaten easily without utensils, such as pizza or small deli sandwiches are good options. The fewer utensils you need, the fewer obstacles for the dice at the table.
Wrap the prizes that you are going to give during the night and place them on a prize table. Having them wrapped will add a little suspense for the winners.
Ask the first player to roll Bunco to yell "Bunco" during your party. He will be able to choose one of the wrapped prizes.
Award additional prize choices from the prize table at the end of the night for accomplishments such as the most wins, most Buncos and the last Bunco of the night. Don't forget the prize for the person with the worst luck, letting her choose the last prize on the prize table and open it.