Things You'll Need
Draw a design onto an eraser that will fit onto the surface or your balls. It's best to keep the design as simple as possible using well-defined shapes or simple block text.
Cut around your design carefully with a craft knife and remove the excess rubber around it.
Dip your design into some ink and test stamp on a piece of paper to remove excess ink.
Place one end of your stamp onto the surface of a ping-pong ball and roll it slowly across so the design is transferred evenly.
Put the balls aside to dry.
Marker Pen and Paint
Sketch out a rough plan of the design you want to draw onto your ping-pong balls on paper. It's important to use marker pens with a fine tip as you have a relatively small amount of space to work with on the surface of the balls. Experiment with a few different ideas before settling on your final design. You might want to cover the balls with an intricate pattern or just stick with a logo or block of text. You can also use acrylic paint with a fine brush.
Wipe over your balls with the cloth to make sure they are free of dirt and debris and dry.
Draw your design onto the balls.
Put the finished balls to one side to dry. The pen's packaging will indicate a recommended drying time.