Represent a Value
Representing a value is a wise way to generate authentic mascot contest ideas. For example, the idea can take into consideration pride, strength or love. Keeping mascots suitable for kids and selecting a value that is not offensive is also very important. Build your mascot around whatever value the creation is intended to represent. Designing a revolutionary war soldier as a mascot, for example, can represent patriotism, unity and strength. Selecting a clown as a mascot, on the other hand, can symbolize family, fun and warmth.
Choose an Animal
Many great mascots are based on animals. Select an animal indigenous to the surroundings where your mascot is located. If the contest is taking place in a coastal town, choosing a dolphin, shark or whale may be appropriate. If the contest and/or organization is centered in a mid-western town on dry land, perhaps a turtle, armadillo or bird will do. Choose an animal that will make an original costume. A rattle snake -- with its coiled, slender body and dangerous fangs -- is a wise option.
Make it Bold
Make sure your mascot idea is bold in color and design. Mascots are designed to attract and keep attention. Because of this purpose, creating a mascot that is pleasant to watch is critical. Keep colors minimal and appropriate to contest rules and/or the organization or team the mascot may be intended to represent. Choosing reflective colors also enhance the brightness and beauty of any mascot. Selecting orange, yellow and/or pink may be better options than gray, black or brown.