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How to Make Your Own Bingo Ink

For many, bingo is a favorite pastime. It is a chance to socialize, play a game of chance and maybe win some money as well. The downside of bingo is the amount of ink a player goes through marking the cards in hopes of being the first one to raise his or her hand and shout out "bingo!" The upside is with a few ingredients and an empty ink dauber, a bingo aficionado saves some money by making ink and refilling the dauber themselves

Things You'll Need

  • Bowl
  • Strainer
  • 1/2 cup of ripe berries
  • Spoon
  • 1/2 tsp. white vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. measuring spoon
  • Water
  • Empty ink dauber
  • Small plastic or glass container with lid
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    • 1
      Berries of any kind can be used to make bingo ink.

      Place the strainer inside the bowl and fill it with berries.

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      A strainer and a bowl are needed to make bingo ink.

      Crush the berries against the bottom of the strainer using the back of a spoon, separating the juice from the berries. Continue to crush the berries until only pulp remains in the strainer.

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      Salt and vinegar help retard mold and preserve ink color.

      Mix the white vinegar and salt into the berry juice left in the bowl, throwing out the pulp. Vinegar helps retain the color of the ink while the salt acts as a preservative.

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      Add water 1/2 teaspoon at a time if the ink is too thick until it reaches the desired consistency.

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      Refill the ink dauber, then pour the remaining berry ink into a small plastic or glass container and tightly seal with the lid.

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