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How to Operate a Bingo Game

Bingo is a direct descendant of a lottery called "Lo Giuoco del Lotto d'Italia" that was created when Italy united in 1530. This concept became a popular fund-raising game and evolved into Bingo as we know it today, according to Roger Snowden, author of "Gambling Times Guide to Bingo." This fun game of chance is a creative way to support an organization's fund-raising efforts, or simply as an evening of fun with friends. Operating this system requires a few key players and facilitators to complete the game properly.

Things You'll Need

  • Event staff
  • Facility
  • Bingo supplies
  • Gifts and awards
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    • 1

      Verify that your bingo game is authorized by governing authorities. Being that Bingo is a form of gambling, you must verify what you are playing for and what the compensation is to the winner. Prove your not-for-profit filing status with the proper paperwork to your local governing body.

    • 2

      Establish a date for your bingo fund-raising event that coincides with your event staff. Avoid busy weekends and holidays to ensure a quality turnout of participants. Give yourself and those preparing for the Bingo night a minimum of a month and a half to get all the ducks in a row.

    • 3

      Pursue donations and gifts from local businesses to offer to the winners of the Bingo game. Keep the prizes valuable and worth the time and investment of the public. Create a descriptive and professional letter that you can send to local organizations, and ask for their consideration in donations and support. Make the note that their donations will be clearly marked to offer exposure of their organizations.

    • 4

      Establish a working staff for the evening of your event, from hosts, public management, a caller and a person to divvy out the awards. If you want refreshments and appetizers for your event, contact the right individuals to manage those duties as well.

    • 5

      Obtain the proper Bingo supplies, from the Bingo cards to the machine that draws the numbers to be called. You can purchase these supplies online, or make them yourself if you are on a tight budget.

    • 6

      Market your event through the businesses participating and through local publications. Highlight the prizes, food and participants to make the event a draw to locals.

    • 7

      Assign clear tasks to each individual the night of the Bingo game. Have a microphone available for the caller of the numbers, and make sure all individuals know their job. Hand out the Bingo cards to each entrant as they enter the facility. Have them sit near the caller and give them chips to cover their card as numbers are drawn.

    • 8

      Spin the numbers in the rotating device, then draw numbers and call them out to the public. Once an individual has a continuous line of consecutive numbers, offer them a prize as an award.

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