Things You'll Need
Look at the rubber and check which is the top side to ensure that you install it with the correct side up. The top side will be slightly curved and the bottom side will be flat.
Smooth the side of the rubber that will be glued using fine sandpaper in order to get rid of any loose particles. Clean the wooden sub-rail to remove any old glue by using lacquer thinner. Sand the entire wooden sub-rail lightly until it's smooth.
Place the new rubber on the rail, and measure the distance from the nose of the cushion down to the slate. The distance from the nose to slate should be 1 7/16 inches.
Apply a coating of 3M -10 Scotchgrip adhesive to both the rubber and wood surfaces. Stick the rubber in a straight line so the top edge of the rubber is flush with the top edge of the sub-rail. Leave the glue to dry because it needs to set properly. Wait overnight in order to allow sufficient drying time.
Dip a linoleum cutter in soapy water to allow for smoother and easier cutting of the rubber. Use a sharp linoleum cutter to trim any excess rubber so that it is flush with the mitred and flat ends of the rail.
Apply adhesive to the cushion facings and the end of the rubber. Stick the cushion facings to the rubber. Leave for several hours until thoroughly dry.
Secure the cushion facing rubber to the wooden rail by either hammering in tacks or using staples in order to prevent it from moving while you work. Cut any excess cushion-facing rubber along the contour of the rail and the cushion rubber.