Things You'll Need
Run the ScavengerHunt app, then click the "Create" button.
Enter a name for the hunt, then click the "Make a New Hunt" button.
Click on the first item on the list of 10 items.
Enter a name for the item. The name should not explicitly state what the item is.
Enter three clues for the item. The first clue should be the most cryptic, while the third clue should allow users to identify the item being searched for.
Click the button which corresponds with the item's size. A small item is something smaller than a building, like a tree or fountain. A medium-sized object is a structure like a building. A large-sized object is an area like a park.
Enter a latitude and longitude for the item. If you are physically walking the hunt, you can click the "Locate this Item" button when at the item, if not you can find the location on Google Maps.
Click the "Save" button.
Repeat for the remaining nine items.
Click the "Gather" button.
Enter the name of the completed hunt, and press the "Upload It!" button.