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Directions for Jenga

Jenga consists of 54 wooden blocks that players must remove from within a tower and replace on top without knocking the tower over. The game was released in 1995 by the Hasbro company.
  1. Setting Up

    • Fill the loading tray with all 54 blocks. Set the blocks at right angles in layers of three, and alternate which direction each layer faces. Place the tower vertically, and carefully remove the tray. Play goes clockwise, beginning with the person who built the tower.

    Your Turn

    • When it is your turn, use one hand to dislodge a single block from the tower. Remove it completely, then re-stack it at the top of the tower. Make sure when you place the block down it rests perpendicular to the layer of blocks beneath. Once your block has been replaced, 10 seconds must elapse without the tower falling for your turn to be over unless the next player touches the tower first.


    • When one player knocks the tower down, the player whose turn immediately preceded wins, and the player who lost must set up the tower for the next round.

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