Missing Keyboard Error
This prank is very simple, but it only works on PCs with standard PS/2 keyboards and mice. You don't have to write any scripts or be entirely computer savvy to do it either. Just unplug the mouse and keyboard from the back of the tower and switch them and restart the computer. The next time it boots up, an error message will appear on the screen and let the victim know that her keyboard was not found. The unsuspecting victim will be baffled when she checks the back of her computer and sees that everything is properly connected. Remove this prank by connecting the keyboard and mouse to the right ports and restart.
BlueScreen Screen Saver
According to Wired, a BlueScreen error can be installed onto a friend's computer and is available for download at Microsoft Technet, but there are alternative methods to this prank. You can find an image of a BlueScreen error and save somewhere other than the desktop. Right-click the desktop and select "Properties." Click on the Screen Saver tab and select the BlueScreen file. Select "Settings" to make sure the picture covers the entire screen. You can also check "On resume, password protect" so it looks like the victim's computer completely crashed.
Never-Ending Command Prompt Screens
This prank opens a series of endless command prompt screens and fills up the victim's screen. It works by renaming two .bat files so that they open one another and continue to do so until it freezes up. To achieve this prank, open Notepad and type "start 2.bat" into the document. Save it as "1.bat" in any folder and select "all files" instead of saving it as a .txt file. Now open up a new document and type "start 1.bat" into the document and save it as "2.bat" into the folder you created. Open either files and watch the screens pile up. You can stop this prank closing the entire group in the task bar.
Blocked Content Error
According to PC Plus, use Internet Explorer's Content Advisor to block your victim's frequently used websites. Click on "Tools," then "Internet Options" and select "Content" in Internet Explorer. List their favorite search engine, bank website, social networking sites and select "Never" to add them. Watch as he becomes frustrated that his Internet isn't working.