Chinese Whispers
If your child can hear and speak a phrase, they can play this parlor game. The object of the game is to repeat a whispered phrase without making any errors. The first person might start off whispering into another player's ear, "Sea shells are by the sea shore." The next person will whisper to the person next to them what they heard, and so on until the last person in the group hears. The last person repeats it out loud to see if it's the same phrase the first person started off with.
Bluff 'N Stuff
Get a pen, paper, dictionary and at least four players for this parlor game. One person selects a word from the dictionary that they don't know the definition of, writes it down and tells only the word to all the players. The players then write down what they think the definition of the word is.
Collect and shuffle everyone's definition then read them aloud. All the players choose what definition is correct, and those that guess correctly first get two points. Repeat these steps and choose another person to find a new word. The player with the most points wins.
Table Story
As a group, see how long you can keep a story going with the Table Story parlor game. Everyone should sit around a table and prepare to begin a story that is made up as it goes to a different player around the table. Someone will start off with two sentences like, "Jimmy, the grey dog who lived at the ocean, needed food. He tried to catch fish, but he couldn't swim in the ocean." The next person would then add to the story by saying another two sentences aloud like, "So he started walking along the sand to see where it would lead him. Until he met a cat named Manny who told him about a place full of all the most tasty dishes."
You'll go around the table as long as you'd like until someone decides to end the story by saying, "The end." You might even record yourselves and transcribe the story for memories.