Pass Along
A person whispers a story to the first person, and that person whispers what he heard to the second person, who repeats it to the third person, and so on. By the end of the line of people, the story is indistinguishable. When the last person recites what they heard, the actual story is read and discussed.
Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments are written on a large poster. They are:
1. Thou shall have no other gods before me.
2. Thou shall not worship idols.
3. Honor the name of God.
4. Honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
5. Honor your mother and your father.
6. Do not commit murder.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8.Thou shall not steal.
9.Thou shall not bear false witness.
9.Thou shall not covet.
The children discuss which ones they consider most important and why.
Balloon Burst
Balloons are a fun addition to any game, including Bible games. The Balloon Burst entails putting a piece of paper inside a balloon before it's blown up. The paper might say: Read the 23rd Psalm while standing on one foot. Another piece of paper might say: Sing "Amazing Grace" backward. The children pop the balloons and perform the tasks.
Age Trivia
A list is compiled of the ages of Bible figures. Here are a few:
Adam: 930 years
Methuselah: 969 year
Moses:120 years
Children guess the ages of various figures, with the closest guess earning a piece of candy.