Through the Desert
Through the Desert is a game that you can play at Sunday school, as it fits with the story of Moses and the Israelites wandering in the desert. Prepare 30 to 50 true-or-false questions derived from the Bible in advance. Use tape or chalk to mark a line on the floor and have the children stand in a line at the back of the room. The Sunday school teacher should begin the game by reading one of the questions. The children who think the answer is true should raise their hands. The children who think the answer is false do nothing. Ask the children if any of them want to change their mind before revealing the correct answer. The children who answer correctly may take one step forward toward the line. The rest of the children stay put. The first child or children who cross the line on the floor win the game. After a few questions, the Sunday school teacher will probably notice that some children, who may be unsure of the answer, will look to others who have correctly answered previous questions before they make a decision. The Sunday school teacher may want to incorporate this observation in a follow-up lesson about seeking guidance.
Bible Treasure Hunt
Find pictures and objects that help to illustrate the Sunday school lesson. Cut pictures out of a magazine or print pictures using a computer. Hide the pictures and objects throughout the Sunday school room before class begins. Prepare a list of the objects or a list of hints about the identity of the objects and pictures for older children. Help the students form teams of two. Teams can consist of three or four students for large groups. The team who finds the most pictures or objects wins the game. After the children find all of the pictures and the objects on the list, ask each team to explain how each picture or object relates to the Sunday school lesson.
Bible Win, Lose or Draw
You will need a large white board, chalk board or a large newsprint drawing pad. Write short descriptions of familiar Bible stories on strips of paper and place them in a box. Some examples of short descriptions are "Noah's Ark," "Lazarus rose from the dead," and "Jesus walked on water." Divide the Sunday school class into teams of two or three students, and have one member of each team select a story strip from the box. Set an egg timer to two minutes, and instruct the member with the story strip to draw the story on the board. The other members of the team must then try to guess the story before time is up. One point is awarded if the other team members guess the story correctly before time is up, and then the next team takes a turn at the drawing board.