'Paddington's Party Game'
"Paddington's Party Game" is a board game similar to "Chutes and Ladders," in which players must make their way around the board first. Along the way, kids must collect two pieces of bread and a jar of marmalade in order to make Paddington's favorite food: a marmalade sandwich. The game can be played with as many players as you like, and you can download it for free at paddingtonbear.com. The game is meant to be printed out on your home computer and played like a board game.
'Four in a Row'
"Four in a Row" is a Paddington Bear-themed game that children can play for free online. "Four in a Row" is the British version of the American game "Connect Four." In the Paddington version, players choose a character from the books to play and then choose one of the book's characters to play against. There are three levels of difficulty, so the game is appropriate for a variety of age groups. Visit paddingtonbear.com to play the game online.
Word Search
A word search is an ideal game for a child to play on their own, perfect for rainy afternoons or when you need an activity for them during quiet play time. The website paddingtonbear.com has free downloadable word searches that you can print and keep on hand. The game can also be played by a group of kids, either by sharing one sheet and taking turns to find Paddington-themed words, or by giving each child their own individual sheet to play.