Create the Board
Draw the gallows at the top of the page. The basic format is a stick version of gallows and a small loop to signify a noose.
Choose a word or phrase appropriate to the age or reading level of the game players.
Draw out the phrase using dashes. For instance, if the answer is "Hot Lunch" write, "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"
Write out the alphabet at the bottom of the page as a reminder of which letters the guesser has left to choose from.
Play the Game
Sit where all players can see the paper.
Allow the person to guess a letter. If the guess is correct, fill it in on the board. If the guess is for a letter not in the puzzle, cross it out on the bottom of the page and draw one body part on the hangman.
Continue the previous step until the puzzle is solved or the hangman is completely drawn.