Rummikub is a game by Pressman that is similar to rummy card games in that players must try to get consecutive numbers of the same color or sets of the same numbers. It comes with 106 tiles, can be played with two to four players, and is recommended for people ages 8 and older. Rummikub is geared towards both adults and children. The low-vision game comes with larger numbers so that players can better see the tiles and the tiles of their opponents. Further, the orange set of the traditional game has been replaced with a green set, which makes it easier to see the numbers on the tile pieces. The game comes with the tile pieces, a storage pouch and four racks.
The game of bingo can be played by a large number of people, and generally it is played in senior or community centers. Somebody will pull numbers from a bin and call them out. The goal of the game is to have all the numbers in a row, column or diagonally. Bingo cards are usually disposable, allowing people to mark the numbers off with markers, highlighters or pens. Some, however, use small windows that can be closed over the numbers to indicate that the number has been called. Standard bingo cards are usually small, making the numbers hard to read. Low-vision bingo cards, however, have very large numbers, generally 6.75 x 7.0 inches. The numbers are also black with a white background, which adds to their easy visibility. Low-vision bingo cards are usually disposable.
Checkers is played on a square board similar to a chess board. The game is played with round pieces. Pieces may only move one square at a time, but players may jump over their opponents piece if there is a free space on the other side. This removes the opponents piece from the board. The person who captures all the pieces of their opponent wins the game. This game comes in both Braille and low-vision versions, and the pieces are magnetic. The white squares on the board are raised to distinguish them from the black squares, and the two sets of pieces are differently colored and shaped.