Ball Toss
To play ball toss, have players stand in a circle. Give one person a ball. That person tosses the ball to someone else in the circle. He then tosses it to someone else. The round is finished when each person in the circle has held the ball. The first round gets everyone in the group acquainted with the rules; add a second ball when the round is complete, and after each round thereafter. With several balls in play, players are forced to play cooperatively to make sure that everyone catches the ball so that they can advance to the next round.
Over the Bridges
To play Over the Bridges, arrange a group of four-by-fours in a connecting pattern on the floor. For larger groups, divide players into teams and time their runs. Each member of the team is blindfolded and must cross the bridge formed by the interconnected beams. Other members of the team guide the walker along the board bridge verbally, with one providing physical assistance for safety.
Scavenger Hunt
A scavenger hunt is a simple team-building exercise that requires each team to come up with a unique strategy and work together to find each item on a list of obscure things. Make a list of items such as things you can find in a mall or in nature and give it to each team. The first team that finds every item on its list wins the game.
Tug of War
To play tug of war, line two teams at the opposite ends of a long rope, with a cone marking the center of the rope. The first team to pull the first member of the other team past the cone wins. For an extra element of drama, play the game with a muddy bog in the center, which the losing team will be dragged through. The children will try their best to stay dry and protect their teammates.