Start each player with 29 points.
Aim and throw three darts per turn at the double one space. Points are subtracted from 29 for every miss. Points are added for every double hit. For example, if a player misses a double one, her new point total would be 27. If the player makes two strikes in the double one space, his score would be 33 points. The maximum extra points per turn is six.
Throw all three darts at the double two on the next turn, then all three darts at the double three and so forth. Points are added or subtracted as before. The game ends with the center bullseye. If a player misses double points on her turn, these are subtracted from her total. If a player's point total goes to zero or below, that player is eliminated.
Add the final point totals after all players have shot for the center bullseye. The player with the highest number of points wins.