Free Rider 2
Free Rider 2 is a simple animated drawing game that is available to play online for free. Using an on-screen template you can create a custom background using your mouse and a variety of tools. Choose a theme--like city or hills--add obstacles, and draw your own riding track. Once you've made your riding course choose from a stick figure bicyclist or unicyclist to to ride your track while listening to bass pumping background music. A pop up screen in the tool bar offers specific instructions of how to use your mouse and keyboard as controls.
Pencil Racer 3: Drive It
Pencil Racer 3-Drive It is an online drawing game where players can design their own riding track and customize the course and conditions of the playing area. Use the mouse as a pencil to draw your riding track. Create your own obstacle course choosing from a wide selection of graphics such as ramps, rails, railroad tracks or animals. You can add objects that interact with your rider like bombs, explosions, doors, keys, coins and teleport holes. Choose from seven vehicles to ride your track including a bicyclist, motorcyclist or a monkey on a scooter.
Stunt Bike Draw
In Stunt Bike Draw you can test your drawing abilities by creating two ramps for an animated stunt man on a motorcycle. In front of a cartoon background of a city skyline over a crowd of spectators use your mouse to draw a jumping ramp and landing ramp around two jumping moose. Press "Go" to make the motorcyclist ride your track while your speed, height and air distance of your jump are measured by meters at the top of the screen.