Meat Fork
Use the tong end of the meat fork to make a divot tool. Leave enough shaft to place in a mold and surround it with craft resin. Any shape mold will work as long as it is deep enough to totally surround the meat fork shaft. The meat fork has a slight bend in the tongs so make sure to flatten them before use.
Hair Pick
A small hair pick works well for a divot tool. Cut off the outside tines if it is too long. A hair pick made from metal works the best. Plastic hair picks do not pierce very hard ground well. This is normally not a problem on the greens because they are watered.
Carve a divot tool from a piece of hardwood such as walnut or oak. Softer wood like pine breaks easier than a hardwood. Carve the divot tool to look like a staple with long prongs. Make the prongs round rather than square and flat. The roundness provides more strength. Dip the wooden divot tool in clear craft resin to add strength.
Deer Antler
Cut one point from a deer rack and create a divot tool. The end of the deer antler is filed flat and a cut is made up the horn to the desired divot tool dimensions. Filing and sanding will open the slit to create two separate prongs for a divot tool. Use an antler that has been broken instead of a deer rack that is intact.