Marco Polo
An old standby, Marco Polo is played with one person being Marco and the rest of the swimmers saying, "Polo." Marco is blind, either keeping eyes shut or wearing a blindfold. Every time Marco says his name, the other swimmers must reply, "Polo." Marco then tries to find the others, using the sounds of their voices as guidance. When Marco catches someone, that person becomes Marco and the game begins again.
Hide the Balloons
This challenging game is played with a dozen or more inflated balloons put into the pool. Have children get in the pool and set a timer for 30 seconds. The object of the game is for each child to get as many balloons under his body as he can in the 30 seconds. Fun and laughter will ensue as balloons fly out of the water, escaping from swimmers.
Piranha Ball
See how long you can stay away from the deadly piranha ball. All of the swimmers hold hands in a circle, with the ball floating in the middle. The object of the game is to see how long the group can can keep the ball from touching any of the players.
Pool Volleyball
The expense of purchasing a pool volleyball set is well worth it for the fun that you can have playing this game. With the net in place, the players hit the ball back and forth, keeping score or just for fun.
Clear the Pool
Divide the pool with a rope or overhead net, and set up an equal number of swimmers on each side. Supply each side with an equal number of floating and sinking items. The object of the game is to get as many of the items to the other side of the pool as possible. Set a timer for several minutes, and see which team can clear its side of the pool the fastest. Repeat for refreshing fun.