Hula-hoop Game
If you have at least six girls and two Hula-hoops, you can play the Hula-hoop game. It is not very challenging, but the game creates giggles and creative problem-solving. Divide the girls into two equal groups. Have each group form a line. Ask the girls to extend their arms out to their sides. Place the Hula-hoop on the open arm of the first girl in each line. She must pass the Hula-hoop to the next girl without releasing hands. The first group to get the Hula-hoop to the end of the line and back to the front wins. The girls will have to step through it, contort their bodies and get creative with their moves.
Flashlight Limbo
Flashlight Limbo is a game geared toward flexible, nimble 9-year-olds. It doesn't matter how many girls play the game. Two girls need to stand three feet apart, each of them holding flashlights. The rest of the girls line up and wait their turn to go under the limbo light. The goal is to go under the light without allowing any body part touch the beam. Turn on some music, and turn off the lights. The girls holding the flashlights should turn them on and hold them at shoulder height, directly across from each other. The light from both will form a "limbo light." One by one, the girls need to try to go under the limbo light by bending backward. After everyone has had a chance to go under the current position, lower the lights to your elbows, then hips, knees and calves. If a girl is not able to get under the light, she is out. The last one to get under the lights wins.
Scavenger Hunt
Design a custom scavenger hunt to make it appropriate for a group of 9-year old girls, who typically enjoy current music, trendy clothes and glittery makeup. Include those items in the hunt, but add a twist. Not only do the girls need to find current music, they need to create a dance to the song. When the trendy clothes are found, the girls must put on an outfit and wear it until the end of the game. The same goes for the glittery makeup.