Things You'll Need
Start with two sets of 91 dominoes and have each player draw 15. Leave the remaining dominoes in a pile. This is called the bone yard.
Place the plastic hub in the middle of the table. The hub is the centerpiece that has eight starting slots for each player’s domino train and the Mexican Train. It also has a place for a double. A double is a domino that has the same number on each end.
Use markers to identify a starting slot for each player and the Mexican Train.
Look at your dominoes. The player with the double 12 domino starts the game by placing that domino in the center of the hub.
Moving clockwise, each player will take turns laying down a domino that matches the previous number in the train. Players can only play on their own train or the Mexican Train. Any player can start the Mexican Train.
Play a double by placing it perpendicular and centered, making a T shape. If a player plays a double, that player gets another turn.
Draw from the boneyard if you don't have a domino that you can play. Play the domino you draw if you can. If you can't, add the domino to your pile and place a marker on your train.
Players can play on any player's train that has a marker on it. Take the marker off once that player plays on his train again.
Play until a player gets rid of all of his dominoes. This player is the winner.
Count the number of dots on your remaining dominoes. The goal is to get the lowest score. The player who gets rid of his dominoes first receives zero points. Most games are played in a series, combining the scores for each game to see who wins the match.