Mouse Pointer Game
At, you can find a pointer game using your mouse pointer. The game is simple to play and very straightforward. It consists of advancing through increasingly complicated mazes with your mouse pointer. There is an S for the start and and E for the end of the maze. All you have to do is drag your mouse pointer through the maze without striking a wall or barrier of any sort. At progressively harder levels, there are moving obstacles to avoid, along with more elaborate maze shapes.
Laser Maze
For a party game, try posting a maze on the wall. Make it complicated, with many dead ends. Players take turns trying to solve the maze by running a light laser pointer on the maze. If they cross any lines, they're out and the play passes to another player. Not only do they have to traverse the maze correctly, they must maneuver the pointer with enough skill to ensure that they do not cross any lines. This game will challenge players on a mental level as well as physical.
Laser Pointer Foot Tag
For this game, two players at a time will face off. Each player will need a laser pointer. You'll want sufficient floor space for moving around. Make sure players are wearing socks that show the laser light. The legal target area is the top of the sock only, and only when the foot is on the floor. (A foot in the air is not a legal target.) The laser light must stay aimed at the floor at all times. Players must try to dodge their opponent's laser while tagging their opponent's foot. This will get your heart rate going!