Things You'll Need
Use a ruler, pen, and piece of paper to create each bingo card. Draw out a large square card and then smaller squares inside of the card. There should be five columns of squares and five rows of squares, meaning there should be a total of 25 smaller squares inside of the bingo card. On top of the card, on the furthest left column, write the letter "B." On the next column, write the letter "I." Continue writing out the word "B-I-N-G-O" above the columns of the card. Repeat the process to make more cards, or use a copy machine to create as many as you need.
Fill in the squares of the bingo cards. For each card, you must fill in the card with the actual content that will be called during the game. If you want to use words or phrases instead of numbers, write those inside of the cards. Whenever you place something inside of the card, write it on a separate list or sheet that will be used by the bingo caller. Fill in every card that will be used in the game.
Write on the bingo balls or pieces of paper that will be used to call the game. These will be drawn at random by the caller in order to alert the players what boxes on their cards to fill in. Make sure that every number, word or phrase that is used in the cards has an identical entry among on the items that will be called.
Randomize the pieces you made made in Step 3 (either actual bingo balls or pieces of paper) and have a bingo caller call them out to the players. The players will then place a marker on their sheets when the number or phrase is called out. The first person to have a specific area filled in (usually a straight line, although the person calling out the game can specify a different area when the game begins) on his or her card wins the game.