Crazy 8s
Grab a deck of cards and deal five cards (or seven, if there&'s only two of you) to you and your friends. Crazy 8s is similar to Uno, and several versions of the game exist. at its most basic, the game requires you to play a card that matches either the number or the suit of the last card played. If you can&'t play a card, you must draw from the deck until you can. Playing a "crazy eight" allows the player to name the suit for the next player. The goal is to get rid of all your cards. If you&'re feeling lucky, play for money.
Tabletop Shuffleboard
Create a shuffleboard game with quarters and masking tape. Play on a smooth tabletop, or the floor. Alternate pushing the quarters into the scoring zone, trying to knock your opponent&'s quarters out of the zone. The first to reach 11 points wins. According to's editor-in-chief Danielle Wood, this game helps fine-tune kids&' motor skills and developing strategy skills. For adults, it teaches how to coach effectively in a non-threatening manner. On top of that, it is fun and alleviates boredom. This game can also be played in the office.
Gather a deck of cards, some opponents and a spoon for all but one player. Deal four cards to each player. The object is to be the first one to collect four cards of the same rank. If someone beats you to this, make sure to grab a spoon before everyone else. Like in musical chairs, you do not want to be the one without a spoon. This game can get a little rowdy. Up to 13 people can play.