Break the Ice
Pass out mood rings to party guests. As friends put them on, watch the stones change color and record it. Ask each guest to tell how they are feeling at that moment in time. Write down their response, but do not tell them why you want to know. Gather your guests together and pass out the, "Mood Ring Color Chart." This ice breaker party game will create conversation, laughter and fun for the rest of the party.
Black: Stressed
Gray: A bit nervous
Amber: Uncertain
Green: Calm
Teal: Very relaxed
Blue: Happy
Violet: Passionate
Mood Stories
Guests take turns standing up, showing the color of their mood ring and inventing a story to explain the color. If the stone is green, for example, the party guest tells a story about a very calm and relaxed fictional situation. Other guests rate each story on a one to five scale, with one being a poor story. Tally the scores at the end of the game. The top story wins a prize as do the next two runners-up.
Guess the Mood
Collect the mood rings and put them in a basket. A guest picks a ring, turns her back to the group and puts the ring on. She matches the color to the provided ring chart and writes it down. The ring goes back into the basket and she pantomimes an emotion. Guests guess the mood. The winner takes the next turn. At the end, guests choose a ring to keep as a party favor.