Personality Assessment Game
The Bored website hosts a game that instructs you to draw a tree, a person or a house. It allows you to create a drawing containing all of these things, but must include at least one. Alternately, the game requires you to write a sentence for a handwriting assessment. Once you are done with your drawing or sentence, you save it and the website asks you a series of questions about it, such as whether your sentence or handwriting takes up a lot of space on the page, how you form certain shapes and other details to assess your personality.
Color Personality Assessment Game
The China Paint website has a personality profile assessment called "Colour and Me." The game shows you various objects, one at a time, such as a house, a car, a cell phone, a shirt and a teddy bear. As each item comes up, you click on a paint roller and then choose one out of five buckets of paint to color the item. Based on the color choices that you make for each item, the website gives you a detailed personality assessment, telling you how you view your finances, relationship, friends and romance.
Animal Personality Test
Human beings are part of the animal kingdom, with some people describing gregarious, friendly talkative individuals as "dog people" and quieter, more aloof individuals as "cat people." The All the Tests website has numerous personality tests, several of which ask you a series of questions to find out what kind of animal you are. For example, you can expect questions like "what are your favorite colors?" or "If someone was drowning would you save them?" Once you&'ve finished, the website will tally up your results and tell you what animal is most comparable to your personality.