Visit local card and hobby shops. Due to the popularity of Pokemon, many places sell them, which is why checking baseball card shops is a good idea as well. Some shops sell cards individually and in packs. If you do not see the card, ask the employees if they know someone who does. Also, leave them your name and phone number because someone might walk in with that card and the employees may be able to put the two of you in touch.
Go to local trading card game tournaments. At trading card game tournaments, players usually bring extra cards with them to sell and trade. Someone at the tournament, or even a bystander, may have the card or know someone who does. Make sure you bring your cards with you to be ready to accept a trade even if you are participating in the tournament.
Attend anime conventions. Most conventions, such as Otakon in Baltimore, have a trading card game room or area where attendees play games and trade cards. This is a great place to meet new people that may not be in your area who may be willing to trade or sell the Shadow Lugia card to you.
Call local comic book stores and ask if they carry Pokemon cards. Many comic book shops now sell cards because of how many people buy them. Ask them if they have the Shadow Lugia card in stock.