Things You'll Need
Cut the plywood and pine boards to the required dimensions or have them cut at the supplier.
Measure in 6 inches from what will be the top of one of the 24-inch wide sides of the first plywood rectangle and mark. Measure in one foot from each side of the same board, on the 48-inch long sides and mark. Use your protractor with the marks to draw a circle and cut it out with the jigsaw. Repeat this process with the other piece of plywood.
Measure in three inches on the underside of one of the plywood boards and attach one of the door hinges with screws, being careful not to let the screws come out the top side. Attach the other side of the hinge to one of the one-foot lengths of 2-inch-by-4-inch pine to create a folding leg for your corn toss platform. Repeat on the opposite side of that board, and again on both sides of the second piece of plywood.
Frame each side of the boards by attaching the appropriate length pine boards to the underside of the plywood board. The 24-inch lengths will go under the top and bottom, the 46-inch lengths along the sides. Do the same with the second plywood piece.
Paint the corn toss platforms as desired or leave it natural. If you are playing by official rules, the surface should be sanded smooth and painted with high gloss latex paint so the corn bags slide well.
Sew two squares of the same colored cloth together all the way around, leaving just enough space to fill. Repeat until you have two sets of four corn bags. A quarter inch double-stitched seam will be sufficient to keep the bags from breaking. Turning is optional.
Fill each corn bag with two cups of corn and sew the opening closed.
Set up a corn toss court by placing the corn toss platforms upright (with legs open) at a 90-degree angle on opposite ends of the court with the high end in the back. Official American Cornhole Association rules call for the court to be 10 feet wide and a minimum of 45 feet long on a flat surface, with designated pitchers' boxes on either side of each platform and a foul line 30 feet from the edge of the hole in the opposite platform for adults, and 21 feet from the edge of the opposite hole for children.