Make your deck either red or a combination of red and black. The vast majority of dragons are these colors.
Load up your deck with a lot of mountain basic land cards. This will help ensure you get the mana you need to play your expensive dragons. Many dragons have abilities that require you to tap mana in order to pump them up.
Include some spells, such as Seething Song, that will temporarily give your mana pool a boost. This will allow you to get your dragons into play sooner.
Include some cheap burn spells in your deck such as Shock or Incinerate. You can use these spells to take out your opponents' early creatures while you are building your mana reserves.
Keep up the attack. Since most dragons can fly, they are ideal for attacking. Even if your opponent has air defense, dragons are some of the toughest flying creatures around, so there is a good chance you will have the upper hand in the skies.