Word Treasure
"Word Treasure" is an excellent source for a child to learn how to read. Simply write the words on paper, then allow the child to cut them out and place them in a box. Each day, pull out a new word and let the child read it, then repeat it to enforce the word into their memory.
Using Patio Chalk
Allowing the kids to use chalk on the patio encourages them to move about and be outdoors while still being in a fixed area so you to can watch over them. You can teach them to draw shapes like circles, or about numbers by drawing them inside the shapes. Then you can even use those to play a game, where your child stands behind a line and throws the ball at the numbered circles to collect points. This particular activity will help improve their precision with hand-eye coordination.
Who Am I?
"Who Am I?" is a riddle game which will test the child's knowledge on general items such as fruits, vegetables, transportation and so forth. The parent can start with a series of clues that will lead the child to the answer, such as somebody who puts out fires, uses a water tank, and drives in a truck--the answer being a fireman. You can use prizes such as chocolate or small gifts to encourage your child to play and reward them with right answers.