I Spy With My Little Eye
Choose the person who will "spy." She chooses an object that's clearly visible to everyone else, then says "I spy with my little eye something that is" a particular color. Other players ask questions about the object, and the "spy" must answer truthfully. The first person to guess the right object wins. In a variation on this game, the "spy" says "I spy with my little eye something that starts with the letter" and states a letter of the alphabet. This is a great way to practice phonics.
I Spy, You Fly
Scatter pictures of various objects across the floor. Give each player a fly swatter. The "spy" says "I spy with my little eye something that is" a particular color. The player who finds the most pictures that fit that description wins, and then he becomes the spy.
I Hear With My Little Ear
Choose the person to be a spy. The spy says "I hear with my little ear a song that sounds like" and hums a popular song. The other players can ask yes or no questions about the song, such as "Is it about an animal?" or "Was it on the radio today?" The first person who guesses the correct song wins and becomes the spy.
I Spy a Shape
Pick someone to be the spy; that person selects an object visible to everyone. But instead of identifying it by the color, it's identified by its shape. "I spy with my little eye something that is" a circle or a triangle or rectangle, for example. Everyone gets one question, then they each have to guess what the object is. The person to get it right wins and becomes the spy.