Magazine Scavenger Hunt
A magazine scavenger hunt can be a fun party activity or way to pass the time on a cold winter day. This could even be a great way to keep the kids occupied while the family takes a long car trip.
Gather enough magazines for everyone who is participating. Make sure the magazines you use contain lots of pictures. Ideally, find magazines of the same title. This makes it more fair, since if one person had "Glamour Magazine" and another "Outdoors Magazine", the types of pictures you'd find in each would be drastically different. Pass out a list of items to search for along with the magazines. Also include a pen or marker. Set a time limit and have the participants circle each item they find. The winner is the player who finds the most items.
Mall Scavenger Hunt
If you want to get out of the house on a rainy day, you may want to have a mall scavenger hunt. Come up with a list of items that are commonly found in a mall. Try to get creative with your ideas. Here are a few to get you started: a pink tutu, a man with an earring, half-eaten food and Velcro shoes. Get several friends together and arrange to meet at the mall with your digital cameras. If there are enough people, consider pairing up into teams. It's much more fun to complete this type of scavenger hunt with someone else. Decide upon a time limit depending on the length of your list. Make sure to arrange a meeting spot where everyone reports at the end. Then, roam the mall with your digital camera, photographing as many items on the list as you can find.
Create a Scavenger Hunt Board Game
Create your own board game. Make a pile of cards, each of which has a common household item on it. Make sure the items are small enough to carry. Using a large piece of cardboard, create the game board, making a path similar to that found in games such as Candyland. To play, have each person choose a game piece and place it at the start of the game board. Turn three cards over and set a timer for two minutes. Each player then rushes to find the objects listed on the card and bring them back to the game board. For each item found, the player moves one space ahead on the board. To make the clean-up process fun, have a round occasionally where this process is reversed and players have two minutes to return all the objects they've taken.