Things You'll Need
Increase your odds dramatically by playing on one specific level. For example, playing the Survival: Pool/hard level usually renders two new plants when you play it through 10 flags.
Fill your back row with sunflowers while using potato mines and squash to hold off the zombies.
As soon as the back row is full, put the repeaters on the center four lanes. Put garlic at the front of the two outside lanes to drive the zombies to the middle.
Fill the front row with spike weeds and put firewood in front of each repeater. Place two garlic plants in a row to thwart pole-vaulting zombies.
As you are able, upgrade your plants. Double sunflowers and upgraded spike weed are the most vital. Put cattails in the water to defend against balloon zombies. In the spaces behind the garlic, put magnets and wake them up. Extend the spike weed down the lane next to the water. Put wall-nuts in front of the cat tails.
Maintain your garden plants. Keep the garlic fresh. Use chili peppers and cherry bombs during big zombie rushes. Ice shrooms work well also. By the time you finish all 10 flags, you should have two new plants.