Set up
Place the two boxes with the hole side up, about 20 feet apart. If you don't have anything to measure with, make the distance about 12 paces apart.
Choose teams
An even number of people are chosen for each team. Each team stands next to their home box.
Toss the washers
Team members take turns tossing washers toward the center hole in the opposite team's box. Points are scored depending on whether a washer goes in the hole, stays on top of the box or falls off of the box.
Score after all the washers have been thrown for each round. A washer in the hole is three points, a washer on top of the box is one point, and anything else is no points. Add up each team's points. Subtract the losing team's points from the winning team's, and award that many points to the winning team.
Ending the game
Players continue to take turns and scoring rounds until one team reaches 21 points. That team is declared the winner.