Decade-themed contests
Depending on the age group of most of the contestants, a decade-themed contest can be a lot of fun. Whether the 1920s, 1950s, or 1990s, there's something about harking back to days gone by that people enjoy. When having a decade-themed contest you also have a lot of options: You can focus on ambiance and music, costumes, trivia, dialogue, social norms, trends of the time, political events--the possibilities are nearly endless.
TV or movie-themed contests
Regardless of where you went to school or what you studied on college, most people have a pretty refined cultural knowledge of TV and movies - whether they'll admit it or not. There are certain TV shows, such as "Friends," and movies, such as "American Graffiti" or "The Godfather," than define America culturally, and things like this make great contest theme ideas. Once again, the contest can revolve around trivia, dress-up, re-enactment, or a range of other possibilities. You can also combine the decade and TV/movie-themed ideas for something like "TV shows of the 1980s."
City or country-themed contests
Everyone likes to imagine traveling or living in exotic places, so why not make one of these a theme of your contest and in doing so allow people to indulge their fantasies. Perhaps a Hawaiian-themed contest, or Italian, or Venetian. Whatever you come up with, the history and culture of most places are sure to provide you with plenty of contest ideas. Again, you can combine the city or country theme with the decade theme, and you can even combine it again with the TV/movie theme - for something like "British Comedies of the 1960s."