Things You'll Need
Combine all of the marbles in one person's cupped hands. There should be equal amounts of a single color for each player.
Mix the ohajiki thoroughly by tossing them in the cupped hands. Strive for as much randomization as possible.
Scatter the combined marbles across the flat playing surface.
Determine which player goes first. Typically, this is done in order of age or by playing a quick game of "rock, paper, scissors."
The first player calls out the marble she wishes to hit. This player may shoot any of her marbles at any other marble, including her own.
The first player then flicks any marble of her own color toward the target marble using her thumb. If her marble hits another marble, the player collects both marbles. Use of the thumb to flick the marbles gives the game its name, which comes from the Japanese word "hajiku."
Continue play until the first player misses her target. Play then progresses to the next player and the process repeats.
Win the game by collecting the most marbles once all have been hit as a target. If players are left with only their marbles on the table, they may collect all of the marbles and count them towards their total.